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[vdr] Re: with 1.25 more crashes then with 1.23 ???

On 14 Mar 2003 at 14:58, Klaus Schmidinger wrote:

> > with 1.25 I have significant more reboots during recording as with 1.23
> > regardless (!) of the driver version...
> > with 1.23 I had aprox. 1 reboot in 10 films,
> > with 1.25 I have 1 or more reboots in every film:
> VDR 1.1.25 with driver 1.0.0pre2 runs very stabe here, and I do quite
> a lot of recording and replay...
> Could it be a heat problem? Maybe the new driver causes more load on the ARM?
> My DVB cards are cooled by a large, slow running fan right on top of them.

Maybe it's a heat problem and I will have some test with open case at the weekend, 
but I don't think so.
If I leave the driver and changing only the vdr version from 1.1.23 -> 1.1.25 problems 
starting immediately and disappears also immediately if I step back to 1.1.23.
Is 1.1.25 stressing the card more then 1.1.23 ??


Uwe Weissbach

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