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[vdr] Re: Does anyone run an ASROCK motherboard ?

At 11:12 01.03.03 +0100, you wrote:
> Does anyone run this combination or has atleast made any experiences to
> share ?
I have a ASROCK K7VT2, BIOS 1.20, with Duron 1200 since two days. Boot
time is very fast, just 8 seconds from power on till Linux starts
booting. German c't Magazine says that kernel 2.4.20 is needed for
Ultra DMA support. Works so far, the only problem i have is that power
off on shutdown doesn't work, neither with realmode power off in
kernel nor not. OS is SuSE Linux 7.3 with Kernel 2.4.20.

Suggestions anyone?

I found the solution for the power-off problem in some forum:

insmod ospm_busmgr
insmod ospm_system
insmod ospm_processor

this works for me.

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