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[vdr] Re: [EXPERIMENTAL] new autopid /nvod patch

Hi Helge,

Helge Lenz wrote:


as channel switching takes a very long time, is it possible to cache the pids until there is a change? Or do a backround scan on the channel for new pids (e.g. teletext)?
There is anew version that should improve switching times, but does not cache the pid's yet:

Caching will probably happen in one the next versions. However, channel switching times on my box are in the range on 1 to 2 seconds with some rare occasions where it takes 10 seconds or more to succesfully aquire the PMT/PAT/SDT to determin the PID's. So i'm quite interested as to why it takes very long for you. Could you please capture the console output and poste it?

Greets Helge.
Have fun


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