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[vdr] Re: OSD corruption since moving to 1.1.26 ?

John Grant wrote:
> I have noticed that since moving to 1.1.26 I have corruption in the
> recordings menu, specifically when I select an item that is a directory
> (but before opening it) I get the items above and below blacked out.
> There is also another problem in this menu where I get an expanded
> status bar (non-interlaced text with the what should be the interlaced
> bits showing through (so it looks like Venetian blinds)), but I cannot
> recall now what causes it, but it happens every day.
> John
> DVB-T, Nova-T, 1.1.26, 1.0pre2

I do have heard about people having problems with OSD colors suddenly
fading, but what you describe is a completely new problem - which I also
haven't observed here yet (Siemens DVB-S, rev. 1.3).

Could you upload a screen shot to some place so I could see this?
(Please don't send it by email).

BTW: please don't write messages as responses to other postings if you
actually want to (and should) start a new thread. Apparently you wrote
your message as reply to Christian Jacobsen's message with the subject
"OSD is not switched on recording (minor bug) ?" - which causes a weird
thread display...


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