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[vdr] Re: Problems with WinTV DVB-c and vdr

Thank you Juri
I build the developer version and the vdr demon works.
greetings olaf

Leeloo wrote:

hi you must create the video dir and copy the config files to this !
type this in your /VDR dir:
mkdir /video
cp *.conf /video

He has the /video dir and the config files in it, as you can see from
his logs. AFAIK the setup.conf file should be created by a running VDR.

I had an off-list conversation with Olaf, and unfortunately he didn't
provide the most important informations:

His vdr-1.04 cannot start because it doesn't find a video device. This
is because he uses the new drivers together with the old VDR.

So VDR doesn't start and therefore won't write a config file.

He either has to use an old driver with his VDR version or use the
developer version of VDR.


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