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[vdr] Re: Easy convert .vdr files to dvd(mpeg2) ?

Florian Steinel wrote:

Use wine under you Linux PC (if SuSE goto for the latest version)
haven't tried it myself.
yes this could be an option, but my Linux System Partition is relatively full and ther isn't space enough for installing either wine (does this need XFree ?) or java with ds.jar (also need XFree) :-(
my system is Console-only (1.5GB Systempartition) and with vdr and extensions (mplayer, etc.) as i said nearly full :-(

Under Mac OS X and Linux i used the discontinued ds.jar (Java).

Under MacOS X ? how ? Could you explain the use under MacOS X to me , or do you have links or faq's for using it under MacOS X ?

Bye, Markus

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