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[vdr] [ANNOUNCE] vdr-graphlcd-0.0.3.tgz

Hi list,
version 0.0.3 of the graphlcd plugin is available.
You can get it here:

Changes v0.0.3:
- new KS0108 driver (thanks to Andreas 'Randy' Weinberger).
- uses different fonts & logos for smaller displays
- changed layout for 128x64 displays
- changed format of font files (=> new crtfont-0.1.2)
- removed swab(). SwabByte() uses table instead of calculating

Changes v0.0.2:
- new T6963 driver (thanks to Andreas 'powARman' Regel).
- support for smaller displays.
- now it's customizable in the setup menu, what parts should
be displayed. The currently available parts are:
- Date/Time bar
- Channel bar
- Logo
- Symbols
- Program information
- fonts with special characters like french accents.
- port + size of LCD are customizable.
(allocate LCD buffer dynamically)
- 2 lines for long titles (in Recording mode)
- Clear OSDProgramme, if no EPG data is available.
- refresh display, when title has changed.
- do not abort, if logo file could not be read successfully.

Have fun, Carsten

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