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[vdr] Re: rename cuttings patch

Hello, daniel peess,

since I have no VDR, I can't test it: Does VDR really overwrite existing (cutted) recordings, without a question? I can't believe this!
I guess this while(1) loop is a little bit dangerous! And: Filenames have a maximum length, so adding 500 times a prefix will make the name too long!
(I don't think it will ever happen, but I don't know it. Someone said a few years ago: "640kb should be enough for everybody")

Good work, nevertheless :-)


======= At 2003-04-30, 22:45:00 you wrote: =======

>for those who are interested, here's a small patch that modifies vdr to use
>new names for each cutting, instead of overwriting the previous "":
>+  while(1)
>+  {
>+    const char *p = PrefixVideoFileName(FileName(), Prefix);
>+    if (p) {
>+       free(fileName);
>+       fileName = strdup(p);
>+    }
>+    else return NULL;
>+    // check if name already exists, add prefix again if so
>+    struct stat fs;
>+    if (stat(fileName, &fs) == 0 ) continue;
>+    return fileName;
>+  }
> }

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Best regards.				 
Florian Bartels

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