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[vdr] restrictive resource management (was: Re: VDR developer version 1.1.33) Schmidinger)  18.05.03 17:34

Once upon a time Klaus Schmidinger shaped the electrons to say...

>VDR developer version 1.1.32 is now available at


>Since I want to release the final version 1.2.0 pretty soon (first
>week of June, if possible) I am not going to add any more new
>features. Until 1.2.0 only bugfixes will be done. There may still be
>some unfixed bugs that have already been reported, but maybe have been
>buried in my inbox under hundreds of other messages. This mostly
>happens if somebody sends a bug report as a reply to the release note
>(like the message you are currently reading), or without a descriptive

>So, if there are any serious bugs that you think should be fixed
>before version 1.2.0, please report them in a separate message with a
>descriptive subject.

Will there be a "restrictive resource management/locking"?

So that it would be possible to use "motor antenna" oder
"single LNB" configurations?


If the recorder needs the resource "LNB 1 vert lo"
and there is only "LNB 1 hor lo" available it should not
try to switch the polarization.

Same with motor antenna:
If the first timer needs "SAT position 1, LNB 1 vert lo"
and the second would need "SAT position 3, LNB 1 vert lo"
which required a dish move, will that be locked?
Or will the second timer simply record "black"
or the first interrupt it recording?

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