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[vdr] Re: Vdr installation!

Am Mon, 2003-05-26 um 19.59 schrieb Viktor Wallin:
> Hi I would like  to try the VDR software before I buy a DVB card cause’
> I think it seems to be an exellent program!

Not excellent - Great!

> But I need to know if it suits me (and my family)…
> Therefor I have some questions:

RTFM and check out, which plugins a available for VDR

By the way, you can do everything a linux-box can do! ;o)

> Is it hard (or even possible) to install VDR without a DVB-card?

Never tried that. But you won't have an OSD without DXR3 or DVB-S.
You could compile with DEBUG_OSD=1. This displays a OSD on the console,
but I don't know if the current versions of VDR (1.1.33) start without a
DXR3 or DVB-card.

Mmh, maybe you can trick VDR if it doesn't start without card by using
the Client/server-streaming plugin.

> Which linux-distribution is easiest to install VDR on?

The one you know best (paths, etc.). Linux-rookies should use Mandrake
for their first steps in Linux.

> Which version of vdr should i install? Easiest with least bugs!

Newest. Klaus is going to release 1.2.0-stable at the beginning of June.


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