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[vdr] Re: where is vdr goin' to?

Clemens Kirchgatterer wrote:
> after the latest stable vdr version got released these days, i wonder
> which direction vdr development will take in the near and far future.
> have you, klaus, planned major feature and/or design changes and
> thought about a roadmap up to version 2.0 or further?

Well, as I've stated on various occasions, I don't like to publish
road maps. For one, they tend to result in constant discussion what topics are
more important than others (and of course everybody has his/her own
favourite); and second, if a new version comes out and a feature that
was on the roadmap didn't make it into that version, I'd probably
have to justify why exactly this feature (which, of course, was somebody's
most wanted) wasn't implemented.

> what i would like to see for myself, is better support for a
> client-server vdr architecture. that means i'm planning to distribute
> the recording and the replaying part of vdr to different maschines. the
> server should house all dvb cards and store the recordings. the clients
> will get equiped with a replay device (dvb card, dxr3, tvout or
> something else), should be able to view/cut/delete recordings and
> manipulate timers. i know this should be allready possible with the
> current vdr version, but there are some flaws. for example no protection
> of different timers/recordings made by different clients.

I do want to do that, too, and I'm trying in all things I change to work
towards that, but overall it doesn't have too high priority. Top priorities
for early 1.3.x versions are automatic PID and channel handling (most likely
based on the autopid patch) and making the OSD stuff more abstract, so that
the need for patching the core code will decrease. Other things will be
done as I go along.

> also i do not see the point of having the dvb card support built into
> vdr directly. IMHO this should be moved to a plugin like all other
> devices. i love generic solutions. :-)

Well, VDR started all around the DVB card, therefore it did make sense so far.
With the advent of other devices moving DVB card support into a plugin may
make sense. I'll see how this fits in.

I'm collecting ideas from this mailing list and private emails, and will
combine them with my own ideas as I go. Always keep in mind that VDR started
as a hobby, and I intend to keep it as that.

Finally a note about time frames: right now version 1.2 shall "settle",
so there will only be bugfixes (if any) to that version in the immediate future.
I'll go on vacation by the end of June until mid-July, so the 1.3.x developer
line probably won't be starting before the end of July.


Klaus Schmidinger                       Phone: +49-8635-6989-10
CadSoft Computer GmbH                   Fax:   +49-8635-6989-40
Hofmark 2                               Email:
D-84568 Pleiskirchen, Germany           URL:

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