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[vdr] Re: dual channel sound

On Tue, 1 Jul 2003, Christoph Martin wrote:

> Hi all,
> some time ago I wrote this email about the problems with dual channel sound:
> Christoph Martin schrieb:
> > I have some recording on br3 which has dual channel sound. On the right
> > stereo channel there is an additional sould with descriptions of the
> > movie for blind people.
> >
> > Is there a possibility to get rid of this sound, perhaps by using the
> > left signal as a mono sound and convert it to both sides of the stereo
> > signal?
> I did not get any answer. Is there a solution?

You could always try to give your broadcasting company a clue and ask them
to put the commentary on a separate stream.

Unfortunately, so far in my dealings with broadcasting companies I've come
to the conclusion that they do not accept clues. They are very good at
trying to reason why they do things the way they do, but the reasons
usually aren't very good.

(An example of this would be MTV3's placing of subtitles below picture in
some of the 16:9 material. Official explanation is that they cannot do it
"because the source material is not anamorphic". D'oh.)


Jarkko Santala <>  
System Administrator                    2001:670:83:f08::/64

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