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[vdr] Problem with libsndfile and mp3/mplayer plugin

Hallo all,

i have installed the latest vdr1.21 together with the driver from Klaus
homepage. This works really good. Now i wanted to install also the
mp3/mplayer plugin. As i have read i have to use libmad 0.14.2 and
libsndfile 1.0.4. I can both compile and install also the mp3/mplayer
plugin. when i then try to start vdr with this plugin i get a message
like: "undefined symbol: sf_open" and vdr restarts. i kan disable the
use of the libsndfile in the makefile of the plugin and all works
like expected but this is not what i like to do because then i can't
play wav-files.
This leads me to the question if someone can push me somewhere where i
can find some information to solve this problem.
My system is a woody 3 installed with MiniWoody. The vdr and also the
DVB-driver are unpatched. 

Thanks in advance,


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