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[vdr] Re: make plugins


Marcel Wiesweg wrote:

Am Freitag, 11. Juli 2003 17:25 schrieb Gunnar Roth:

is there a way to get an error about unresolved symbols when linking a
Yes, there is. When the plugin is loaded, all functions in the dynamic
table of the plugin need to be resolved. If a function cannot be
resolved, VDR will terminate.
But the question was, if there is a possibility to determine the
unresolved symbol at linking time, NOT at run time.
ah... (but you can understand the other way, if "linking" means linking at run time ;-) )

To the question: gcc does not (and must not) know into which executable the library will be loaded. However, there are two things you can do:
- link VDR's object files with the object files of the plugin (or the plugin library) and create a dummy executable. The linker will give the errors wanted.
Something like

	gcc -o dummy vdr PLUGINS/lib/

did a good job.

- read the plugin's dynamic relocation table with
objdump -CT | grep "UND" | less
and find symbols which should be defined in the plugin.
The problem is here, that I get too much symbols for other libraries e. g. the X Window stuff.

Dipl.-Inform. (FH) Reinhard Nissl

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