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[vdr] Re: disable maxVideoFileSize

Am Die, 2003-07-15 um 15.29 schrieb Klaus Schmidinger:
> Tobias Faust wrote:
> > 
> > Hi,
> > 
> > how can i disable the MaxVideoFileSize? It?s recomment to change this?
> > I?ve tried to set 0 but the minimum is 100MB (like the manual)
> > Its possible or should i leave this changing?
> MaxVideoFileSize can be any value between 100 and 2000.
> 0 makes no sense (there has to be at least some data in the files ;-)
> and 2000 (resulting in a bit under 2GB) is the upper limit.
> This is because not all file systems and/or tools support arbitrary
> long files.

Hi Klaus,

I know I have asked several times for this versions before, but is there
any chance you will increase filesize-limit for VDR-1.3.x?

I want to provide recordings as streams (e.g. RTSP), which is very
complicated with several files instead of using one file. And who has
the terrabytes necessary for catting all recordings into one-file-copys?

Rene Bartsch
Faculties MNI
Computer Science 8th Semester
FH Giessen/Friedberg, Germany

Facsimile/Phone: +49 7 00/72 27 87 24

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