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[vdr] Re: how much dvb-devices needed?

Christoph Liersch wrote:
> Andreas Vierengel wrote:
> > Same problem on my setup.
> > Using hauppauges nexus-s rev 2.1 and nova-ci rev 1.0.
> > I thought I can record both on horizontal and vertical simultaneously and
> > additionally watch every channel I want, with 1 full-featured and 1 budget
> > card ?
> > Both inputs are connected to the same sat-multiswitch...
> Maybe I'm missing something here, but two cards, two tuners... I can only
> see this working when both channels being recorded are on the same
> transponder (i.e., handled by a single card).
> If you're recording channels from two different transponders (polarization
> doesn't really matter), both cards will be in use. This limits the choice of
> available channels to channels on the same transponder the primary card is
> currently recording from (or in the best case, to the two transponders the
> cards are already recording from - no idea if transfer mode would work in
> this scenario).

If you have two cards, each recording from a different transponder,
you can live view any program from either transponder - VDR will always
use Transfer Mode in that case, no matter from which card it fetches
the programme.


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