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[vdr] Re: Streamdev client always provides channel

At Freitag, 18. Juli 2003 15:03 Daniel Sáez Domingo wrote:
> I have two computers. Both have vdr installed and a DVB-s card, but only
> the server is connected to the antenna.
> Both client and server have the same channels.conf file and then, when
> client selects a channel, it doesn't request it from the server because
> the ProvidesChannel in dvbdevice.c finds the channel (the
> ProvidesChannel function in the client/device.c isn't used). This
> produces no watching channel in client part.

That's a caveat when using a DVB-s as an output device, since it has an own 
receiver. I've thought about a possibility of really only using the 
output-half of a DVB-s (which then behaves like a DXR3), since it is also 
possible to only use the input-half of such a card.

Until that is possible (if ever), you can hardwire the channels to the 
"secondary" card (which will be my plugin, when registered as a client), 
like suggested in Ulrich Petri's posting.

Currently I have no way of changing this, since VDR probes all available 
devices in order, if they are capable of receiving a channel (regardless of 
the fact that no data is coming through). Since the DVB code is inside VDR, 
this will always be the first device.


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