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[vdr] Re: Streamdev client always provides channel

> Well one question to both of you: Why in the world do you use a
> full-featured (expensive!!) card for the purpose of
stream-receiving, when
> you could just connect a sat-cable to it? Why don't you use a cheap,
> MPEG2-decoder-only board (e.g. dxr3)?

ohhh no, in my case i use a hollywood+ from sigma designs (in my 2nd
vdr). And because i had big problems with a skystar2 i?m going to try
a really client/server architecture. If i used the combination with
the skystar2 i could zapping over the channels with a tv-picture. But
with unloaded skystar2 drivers and activated streamdevclient i?m not
able to zapping over the channels (with picture ;) ). I?ve got the
message "channel not available".


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