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[vdr] Re: Image geometry

Sebastian Kemper wrote:

I have problems with the image geometry. Allthough my TV supports rotating the picture I'm not succesful with it. I can rotate the picture until the upper and lower edge are brought to the horizontal position, but then the right and left edge is leaning. The right edge even more than the left. This bothers me. My card is a TT 1.6 from USA-X ( ).
My TV is a 16:9 from Panasonic. It happens with both Cinch and RGB.

When I take a look at other users VDR screens (e.g. ) they all seem to be of perfect geometry. Does this mean my card is bad or is there a way to solve the problem?
I managed to improve the geometry (size, cushion & rotation) of my 16:9 Panasonic with the service mode. Google finds instructions how to enter the mode but you need basic TV service skills to not ruin totally your TV. A test DVD is good for tuning (I used Star Wars DVD test pictures :^). Even physical damage is possible! It is best to first exercise your TV's warranty.

The geometry settings are common for all signal sources, also the built-in tuner picture. Do you see geometry problems in normal analog TV broadcasts, is there cushion effect in 4:3 picture edges (my TV had that problem)?


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