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[vdr] Re: DXR3 EPG Crash

Morfsta wrote:
Ok, well I have the em8300 from CVS awhile ago with the patch from DXR3 developers applied. There was not much movement on em8300 CVS for a long time before that. Are there newer updates now?
than you should have the latest version. The only change in CVS was
adding the patch from DXR3-plugin :)

I think some of them were recommended not to be applied to the plugin. I think your idea is right, to provide the patch to them to make the decision whether they should be applied. But as I said, there does not appear to have been any recent developments.
Yes, the main-developer should decide if a patch is OK or not.
The prject is not dead...just a summer-pause ;) VDR hasn't been updated,
too and that is perfectly OK for me ;)


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