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[vdr] Re: vdr-xine-0.0.0 plugin


Can you give a link from where to download the
vdr-xine-0.0.0 plugin or send it as attachment in an
email, so we could test it too ?


On Thu, 2003-07-24 at 12:27, Reinhard Nissl wrote:
> Hi,
> Rene Bartsch wrote:
> > Am Mit, 2003-07-23 um 14.33 schrieb Reinhard Nissl:
> > 
> >>Meanwhile, my VDR hardware has arrived, but I still haven't upgraded my 
> >>receiving equipment for digital TV (I'll do it in about four weeks), so I 
> >>meanwhile use the plugin 'dvd' as data source for my device plugin.
> >>
> >>On my old machine (which didn't have any sound hardware), my scratchy plugin 
> >>and xine were performing well. But on my new hardware, I now realize problems 
> >>with the sound. mplayer tells me, that there is too much audio data compared 
> >>to the video, and aborts after a drift of about five seconds between audio and 
> >>video.
> > 
> > The A/V-syncing-code of mplayer is a mess. This is what disqualified
> > mplayer for me. It completely relies on the timing coming from the
> > soundcard and it often gets out of sync while Xine is permorming fine.
> I wouldn't blame mplayer here. At least it told me, that there seems to be 
> something wrong with the data that my plugin outputs, when the video source is 
> the dvd plugin.
> >>For now I think, that this problem comes either from my xine plugin or from 
> >>the dvd plugin. To prove this, I need a further source of input. I think about 
> >>a short recording which was taken on an exisiting VDR machine that I can 
> >>replay via my device plugin.
> Gavin Hamill was so kind and supplied me with a 60 seconds recording of a news 
> broadcast.
> > The problem may be MPEG-PES. In that format audio starts between 250 and
> > 600 ms before audio. Most players can't handle. Because of that I use
> > MPEG-TS when streaming VDR to Xine.
> I can't follow your argumentation. All I know so far is, that MPEG-PES is the 
> payload of MPEG-TS. MPEG-TS adds additional information to distinguish 
> multiple programs in the stream. Moreover, it adds information which describes 
> the programs contained in the stream.
> > But dvd-source with MPEG-PS should perform well ..
> Did you mean MPEG-PES? Somewhere I've read something about MPEG-PS, but I 
> cannot recall, what's the difference between those two.
> > Maybe the timing of your audio-driver is broken (which are most, in
> > fact). Switching from toss to alsa solved a lot of syncing-problems for
> > me (SB Live! Player 5.1).
> I don't think so. The recording which Gavin Hamill supplied plays properly. 
> Maybe, my problem comes from improper handling of cDevice::PlayAudio().
> > What version of Xine-lib are you going to use? < 0.9.8 can handle PES,
> > but no TS, > 0.9.8 can handle TS, but no PES. That version can't play
> > recordings, but TS has the advantage that it includes bit-error
> > information which can be used by the player (runs Xine much more stable
> > than mplayer with PES). TS is the coming format because of digitalTV and
> I'm using a CVS version of xine, because on my request, the demuxer for 
> MPEG-PES has been ported to the new API.
> > many player start to support it, but PES never came up to the living (I
> > hope Klaus will change recording format either to MPEG-TS or -PS).
> I don't see any use in this, but I'm still no wizard yet ;-)
> Bye.
> -- 
> Dipl.-Inform. (FH) Reinhard Nissl

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