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[vdr] Re: vdr-xine-0.0.0 plugin

Am Don, 2003-07-24 um 11.27 schrieb Reinhard Nissl:

> > The problem may be MPEG-PES. In that format audio starts between 250 and
> > 600 ms before audio. Most players can't handle. Because of that I use
> > MPEG-TS when streaming VDR to Xine.
> I can't follow your argumentation. All I know so far is, that MPEG-PES is the 
> payload of MPEG-TS. MPEG-TS adds additional information to distinguish 
> multiple programs in the stream. Moreover, it adds information which describes 
> the programs contained in the stream.
> > But dvd-source with MPEG-PS should perform well ..
> Did you mean MPEG-PES? Somewhere I've read something about MPEG-PS, but I 
> cannot recall, what's the difference between those two.

MPEG-PS is MPEG-PES with additional headers (e.g. timing information).
Using MPEG-PES with the streamdev-plugin, MPlayer needs at least 30
seconds up to 4 minutes to detect the format of the stream, fails often
to detect and looses A/V-sync or crashes. With MPEG-PS it starts playing
at once and rocks quite stable (except when bit-erros occurr - breaks

> > What version of Xine-lib are you going to use? < 0.9.8 can handle PES,
> > but no TS, > 0.9.8 can handle TS, but no PES. That version can't play
> > recordings, but TS has the advantage that it includes bit-error
> > information which can be used by the player (runs Xine much more stable
> > than mplayer with PES). TS is the coming format because of digitalTV and
> I'm using a CVS version of xine, because on my request, the demuxer for 
> MPEG-PES has been ported to the new API.


Rene Bartsch
Faculties MNI
Computer Science 8th Semester
FH Giessen/Friedberg, Germany

Facsimile/Phone: +49 7 00/72 27 87 24

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