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[vdr] Re: VDRAdmin and auto-timer records wrong programs


Jan Ekholm wrote:
It seems that if a show has been scheduled for recording by AT it can very
often randomly record another totally unrelated show for the same day
under the same name. Today for instance Futurama was on and it got
recorded in the afternoon just fine. I watched it a bit later and then
removed the recording. However, some hours later there was a new AT for
another Futurama episode, which was totally wrong:
I have this problem too and it makes the auto-timers less convenient. It happens with all Finnish channels. Here is one example (copy & paste from vdradmin timer listing), recording has margins of 2min and 7min. I have defined auto timer to match title "Operaatio..Kuu". The intention is that ".." matches the ": " part in TV show name. I don't have timers or auto timers for the unwanted shows.

Auto MTV3 D 05.08 20:28 21:02 Operaatio Kuu
Auto MTV3 D 05.08 23:08 00:21 Operaatio Kuu
Auto MTV3 D 06.08 00:13 01:17 Operaatio Kuu

The schedule for this channels is:

20:30 - 20:55 Salatut elämät Jenni kokee Pasin todellisen luonteen.
20:55 - 21:59 Rimakauhua ja rakkautta
22:00 - 22:19 Kymmenen Uutiset
22:20 - 22:30 Tulosruutu Tiivistelmä päivän urheilutapahtumista.
22:30 - 23:09 Sinkkuelämää
23:10 - 00:14 Operaatio: Kuu
00:15 - 01:10 Rik Mayall esittää

Only the 2nd timer entry is correct and some additional soap gets recorded. The for this channels looks like this (scandinavian characters became ?-characters in copy&paste):


E 410 1060104600 1500 51
T Salatut el?m?t
S Jenni kokee Pasin todellisen luonteen.
E 525 1060106100 3899 51
T Rimakauhua ja rakkautta
D Suosikkisarjan viidennen tuotantokauden aloitusjakso lenn?tt?? Peten Jo-vaimoineen Englantiin suoraan kuherruskuukauden vietosta. Adamille isyyden opettelu tuottaa tuskaa; uuden el?m?n aakkosiin on totuttautumassa my?s David
E 526 1060110000 1199 51
T Kymmenen Uutiset
E 527 1060111200 600 51
T Tulosruutu
S Tiivistelm? p?iv?n urheilutapahtumista.
E 701 1060111800 2399 51
T Sinkkuel?m??
D Amerikkalainen komediasarja New Yorkin lennokkaasta single-el?m?st?.- Mukana my?s Chris Noth (Mr. Big), John Corbett (Aidan Shaw), Kyle MacLachlan (Trey MacDougal), David Eigenberg (Steve Brady), James Remar (Richard Wright), Frances St
E 702 1060114200 3899 51
T Operaatio: Kuu
D Kuumoduulin kehitysty?ss? mik??n aika ei tunnu riitt?v?n. Sen toimivuutta p??st??n kuitenkin vihdoin testaamaan avaruudessa.
E 703 1060118100 3300 51
T Rik Mayall esitt??
D Katupummi Raymondin el?m? muuttuu kertaheitolla, kun kadonnut k?sikirjoitus p??tyy vahingossa h?nen k?siins?.Ohjaaja: Paul Unwin, Englanti 1995. P??osissa: Rik Mayall, Michael Kitchen, Frances Barber, Helen McCrory, Brian McCardie


I don't notice similary in either. It would be nice to get some help in where to start debugging this problem.


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