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[vdr] Re: no automatic shutdown (on "no user activity") wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > my specs:
> > Asus P4PE, VDR1.2.1, Elchi 1.2.0, NVRAM-Wakeup.
> >
> > my problem:
> > VDR doesn´t shutdown on "no user activity".
> > It posts: "Taste drücken um shutdown abzubrechen", but that text won´t
> > go away (I waited about 100 seconds) and the PC won´t shutdown.
> > Also I dont get any output on my monitor (started runvdr without -d
> > option, so i normally get output if anything is wrong).
> > If I press the Shutdown-Button on my remote, it works flawless; the
> > text disappeares after a few seconds and the PC shuts down, writing
> > the correct time for wakeup into the nvram.

See VDR/vdr.c:

#define SHUTDOWNWAIT   300 // seconds to wait in user prompt before automatic shutdown


  "The shutdown prompt will be displayed for 5 minutes, which should be enough time
   for the user to react."

BTW: I was just about to delete your message from my inbox without reading it,
because it looked like it didn't have any new text in it.
Why did you mark your whole text as a quote?


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