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[vdr] Re: LIRC teach 1.2.2

Am Samstag, 9. August 2003 17:16 schrieb Rainer Zocholl:
> After upgrading from 1.0.4 to 1.2.2
> VDR asks me to teach him the remote control keys.
> A really very nice usefull feature!
> But:
> a) Is there a way to import the old assignment to save that time? ;-)

Could be solved with a remote.conf that contains the old keybindings, alltough 
I don't see why this would be neccessary, it is fast done the way it is ;)

> b) I was not asked to enter "Volume +-" "Speaker Off" "Power Off"(at least)
>    Why?

no clue, maybe you have quit the learning to early ? 

> c) Why is VDR starting to ask for "KEYB" after the "LIRC"?
>    (I don't have no keyboard so no chance to press "abort" ;-))

I guess comile with NOKBD=1 should help here. 

> e) There is more than one place in the teaching were the user is asked
>    to press a key to "Continue".
>    It's for the user not clear what will happen next if he
>    presses "Continue" and what if not.

I don't remember such situations ....

> f) It would be nice to "reteach" after some time.
>    (Ok, that could be implemented by a "command" "mv remote.conf
> remote.conf.bak")

As you said yourself, define a command ;)


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