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[vdr] Re: migration to 1.2.2

On Saturday 09 August 2003 17:16, Rainer Zocholl wrote:
> Only one problem occurs:
> I have an old channels.conf (Because in my world "ARD Das Erste"
> has to be on button "1" not "RTL" ;-))
> I simply copied it over the new channels.conf
> That was a bad idea...(i found later)
> VDR starts as expected, ARD is selected.
> When i now try to switch to "1" i got
> "invalid channel" on the screen and no name for the channel.
> /var/log/messages does not complain about anything.
> but /var/log/syslog shows those lines:
> vdr[3348]: loading /video/channels.conf
> vdr[3348]: ERROR: channel data not unique!
> vdr[3348]: ERROR: error in /video/channels.conf, line 133
> vdr[3348]: loading /video/timers.conf
> vdr[3348]: ERROR: channel 10 not defined
> vdr[3348]: ERROR: error in /video/timers.conf, line 1
> "ERROR: channel data not unique!" ?
> Ok, i had appended "old but formerly known" channel entries to
> the end of the script "for future reuse" and 
> i had several entries in several groups
> for example all "vert" channels made a separate group
> and all "horz" too, channels are grouped
> for channel hopping and themes too (all music channels together,
> all stock exchange channels together regardless of languages, 
> all france language together etc.).
> I was _very_ surprised that this causes VDR to discard the entire
> channels.conf but still loads! I really did not expect that because 
> the reason is not obvious for me as user: why i should not make
> double entries (i found it very convient).
> Because VDR seems to start I assumed that those dupes has been 
> gracefully ignored...but VDR was not operable in this state!

If you need duplicate entries in your channel.conf, you can simply 
use a different 'radio id' for these entries:

from UPDATE-1.2.0:
  ... RID is an additional ID
  that can be used to tell apart channels that would otherwise be indistinguishable.
  This is typically the case with radio channels, which may have the same NID, TID
  and SID, but different "radio IDs". This new field is therefore called RID ("radio
  ID"). Currently NID and TID are not yet used by VDR and should always be 0. The
  RID is actually used when building the "unique channel ID", so if you have channels
  in your 'channels.conf' file that cause error messages when loading, you can set
  the RIDs of these channels to different values.


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