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[vdr] Re: One image on all channels? Endriss)  11.08.03 19:00

Once upon a time Oliver Endriss shaped the electrons to say...

>On Monday 11 August 2003 18:36, Klaus Schmidinger wrote:
>> Oliver Endriss wrote:
>>> On Monday 11 August 2003 17:04, Rainer Zocholl wrote:
>>>> While zapping thru tons of channels, suddenly
>>>> all channels shows the same "still image".
>>>> Audio was correct.
>>>> Switching for and back did not help.
>>>> Jumping an other channel did not help either.
>>>> After some switching the normal image reoccurs.
>>>> The image seems to be a "half image" because it flickers
>>>> at some places.
>>>> It consists out of one square image on left with full height
>>>> and 2 square images on the right
>>> I can confirm this. It happens rarely after a channel change.
>>> Seems to be a decoder problem. If it occurres I have a frozen
>>> image on the screen with some flickering at the top of the
>>> screen. If you wait some time, the flickering section gets
>>> larger and larger. Finally the correct image appears again.
>>> Sound is never affected.
>>> Oliver
>> Ah, now I remember: I did see this a few times, but since I was
>> doing some heavy debugging with CAM stuff and the like at the time,
>> I considered it to be a side effect of my test.
>> I wouldn't know, though, what to do about it in VDR.

>Nothing. It's a firmware bug and should be fixed there. Maybe the
>decoder buffer isn't flushed correctly when the video pid changes
>(just an idea).

Just occurs again.
When i do replay that work flawlessly!
Stopping the replay shows the same "still image" as before.
That can be done serveral times.
After let the replay run for more than 10sec the "still image"
changes to an image from the video!
Some monents later all is well again.

Rainer---<=====>                         Vertraulich
         <=====>--------------ocholl, Kiel, Germany ------------

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