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[vdr] vdr to svcd with transcode sync problem


when I try to transcode vdr recordings to svcd format I sometimes 
get the following warning from transcode:

  bitstream problem: resyncing...,  11.23 fps, EMT: 0:52:25, ( 0| 0|10)

Whenever this message occurs, the sound is shifted by a fraction of 
a second so that it is out of sync on the final svcd. Multiple of those 
messages result in multiple time shifts.

I use the following transcode commandline:

  transcode -x vob -i 001.vdr -V -y mpeg2enc="-S 630",mp2enc -F 5 -B 0,14,16   -E 44100 -b 128 -o _transcode -w 1400

Does anybody know how to circumvent this problem?


By the way, sometimes the vdr resordings are of size 704x576 instead of the PAL default 720x576. How come?

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