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[vdr] Found Components for a silent P4


I've asked quite a wile ago on this list how to build a silent vdr. Now
after searching the web and thinking of tones of not really satisfying
or very expensive ways. First I was tinking of an epia but it does not 
seam to have enought power for DVD and DivX... Now I think I finally 
found a solution and mayby some of you are interested (I'm not trying to
advertise as I don't sell anything and I'm not related to the porducts
or the companies):

Silent (fanless) cooler for a P4 up to 2.8 GHz: HeatlaneZen P4 (also
	referred to as NCU1000); runs around 75 Euros; needs a lot of
	space; can be found at or

Silent (fanless) PSU (Power supply): proSilence FANLESS 350 Rev. 1.2;
	350W; 220 Euro (expensive...); can be found at

Silent (fanless) PSU: up to 110W avalible as complete PSU or just the
	board wich connects to 12V DC so you have to get a transformator 
	yourself. 110W board including transformator 136 Euros; can be 
	found at subsection
	Gehäuse / Netzteile

Harddrive, boot over lan or use some kind of flash device. If you decide
	on a flash device make shure it can handle enought read/write 
	circles (don't know how many are needed you have any information
	let me know) or use a distribution that specially made for flash
	devices, that run in a ramdisk. I think an IDE adapter and a
	Compact flash disk is the cheapes way to go. Can be found at

Thats all I know as I have not built a silent system yet. Please coment
If you have any more information or experiences! Hope this information
is of value to anybody.


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