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[vdr] Re: Found Components for a silent P4

Am Son, 2003-08-17 um 18.00 schrieb Sven Karlsson:
> Oliver,
> >Thats all I know as I have not built a silent system yet. Please coment
> >If you have any more information or experiences! Hope this information
> >is of value to anybody.
> Just a word of caution. Remember that the power converted into heat in your
> system should be transported out of your case. You will otherwise get a
> tremendous heat build-up inside your case which is probably not what you
> want. In systems with fans this rarely is a problem air is moved out of the
> case. In a fan-less system this is not the case. Even with fans, you can get
> a 20+ degrees centigrade temperature difference between the inside and
> outside of the case.
> Choose your case carefully!

The quietest solution is cooling by water, but the quietest solution for
the best price is ripping off all fans from 30 to 96 mm and use 120 mm
fans. I've very good results with Enermax-12FAB-B running below 2000
rpm/s  (adjustable speed). Price is below 20,- Euro/pcs.

I advice you to remove CPU- and PSU-cooler and put one 120 mm fan into
the PSU to cool both. Put a second fan for the AGP/PCI-Slots (GFX with
heatpipe, no fan) directly mounted into the left door of the housing,
getting fresh air from outside.

Do so with a third or maybe fourth fan to cool your HDD-/DVD-devices.
It's important to get fresh air from outside as fans have to transport
the less air the cooler it is - and don't forget to have holes in the
top cover

Several big fans running at low rpm cause much less noise than one small

Rene Bartsch

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