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[vdr] Proposal: information of plugins-confdir in documentation


Today we had a little discussion about details of VDRs, more exactly, the mp3-plugin's, documentation concerning the location of config-files.

Apparantly some users get confused where to put the config files for the plugins or the dir "plugins" as such, i.e. that the dir is by default /video/plugins, or, with a -c option /blah/fasel/, at /blah/fasel/plugins.


Could you add a little passage in the file INSTALL, like:


Configuration files:

There are several configuration files that hold information about
channels, remote control keys, timers etc. By default these files are
assumed to be located in the video directory, but a different directory
can be used with the '-c' option. 
Plugins assume their configuration files in a subdirectory called "plugins" of this directory.

For starters just copy all *.conf files from
the VDR directory into your video directory.



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