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[vdr] Re: Playing DVD ?

Steffen Barszus <> wrote:

> > huh? what does "recoding to dvb-output" mean? if you mean mplayers
> > dvb output, that needs a lot of cpu. (due to transcoding to mpeg1)
> Nope. For mpeg1/mpeg2 it doesn't get transcoded. Try with an svcd or 
> dvd. On my machine mplayer doesn't need more then 5% CPU for playing 
> (1Ghz Duron) , so I guess it should even play on a 200 Mhz CPU without
> big CPU load (depending on PIO or DMA Transfer). Transoding is just 
> needed for non mpeg1/2 material. 

as adreas already stated: the dvb mpeg decoder will not be able to play
many of these mpeg streams 'cause of hardware limitations. i can not see
the difference between feeding the hardware decoder by mplayer or by the
dvd plugin, when no reencoding will happen. mplayer (or even xine) can
only improve dvd support when they also do the mpeg2 decoding. (and
recode it to mpeg1/2 for dvb output.) at least that is, how i have
understood the whole problem.

best regards ...

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