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[vdr] Re: mplayer plugin: no output

Matthias Bodenbinder wrote:

> I tried the mplayer plugin  mp3-0.8.1on SuSE 8.2 with vdr 1.2.2 (self 
> compiled) and MPlayer-0.91-1 (from
> But I do not get any output on the screen. vdr says the movie is played back 
> and on the console I see that mplayer actually plays the movie, but on the TV 
> I just see the current programm and not the movie. If I say 'Stop playback' 
> (Wiedergabe beenden) it stops the playback. So everything works except for 
> the display of the film. What is going wrong?

You probably compiled MPlayer without DVB support. Search for a file
named 'grab.mpg'. If you find this, MPlayer has no DVB support and wrote
your video into a file instead of to the DVB card.


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