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[vdr] Re: Playing DVD ?

> > I doubt that broad asseration. If you try to play
> > divx 3.11 ("almost" mpeg-4 and thats a mpeg stream,
> > isn't it?) this has to be recoded to mpeg-2 for the
> > dvb output. And the dvb output is quite picky about
> > the format of the pictures, so recoding to a format
> > the dvb card supports, is required, too.
> When one talks about MPEG in conjunction with VDR/DVB it is always
> assumed to be MPEG1 or 2.
> AFAIK MPEG4 has not much in common with MPEG1/2 - it's just a name.
> So:
> MPlayer does not reencode MPEG1/2 if playing via DVB.
> MPlayer does reencode when playing anything else via DVB.
Thanx Juri. That is exactly what I have been trying to say for
about one week.


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