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[vdr] Re: CAM Aston 1.05 workaround

Hi Klaus,

I've done some debugging on the Aston 1.05 CAM problem. As it works (decrypts successfully) with Hauppauge Windows software and DVBTV, I've included what I think it is the dialog between the CAM and the card software:

CI Slot 0: Module inserted
CI Slot 0: Supported CA ID: 0100
CI Slot 0: ASTON
Set Channel: CANAL+ ...30
Service ID: 0x778A (30602)
Frequency: 10877000
Symbol Rate: 22000000
Polarity: 1 (V)
FEC: 5
Audio PID: 0x006C, (108)
Video PID: 0x00A7, (167)
PCR PID: 0x00A7, (167)

Set EIT Filter (PID = 0x00D5)
Reset PMT Filter
Set Language Filter (PID = 0x0402)
Reset EIT Filter
Reset Language Filter
EIT Filter: Reset successful
DecodePMT(Buff, nLen = 358)
table_id = 0x02
section_syntax_indicator = 1
reserved_future_use = 0
reserved = 1
section_length = 355
program_number = 0x778A (30602)
reserved = 3
version_number = 3
current_next_indicator = 1
section_number = 0
last_section_number = 0
reserved = 7
PCR_PID = 0x00A7 (167)
reserved = 15
program_info_length = 0
Descriptor = (12)


Set Channel: MÉTEO
Service ID: 0x778C (30604)
Frequency: 10877000
Symbol Rate: 22000000
Polarity: 1 (V)
FEC: 5
Audio PID: 0x0074, (116)
Video PID: 0x00A9, (169)
PCR PID: 0x00A9, (169)

Set EIT Filter (PID = 0x00D5)
Reset PMT Filter
Set Language Filter (PID = 0x0404)
Reset Language Filter
DecodePMT(Buff, nLen = 205)
Reset EIT Filter
table_id = 0x02
section_syntax_indicator = 1
reserved_future_use = 0
reserved = 1
section_length = 202
program_number = 0x778C (30604)
reserved = 3
version_number = 2
current_next_indicator = 1
section_number = 0
EIT Filter: Reset successful
last_section_number = 0
reserved = 7
PCR_PID = 0x00A9 (169)
reserved = 15
program_info_length = 0
Descriptor = (12)

Is it possible VDR is missing something or waiting for an inexisting answer from the CAM? As Antonino pointed out and Klaus guided me through, it looks like all steps but 9 (from cams.txt file) seem to work ok.

Klaus: If this is not useful, do you know any other test I could conduct to help you figure out what the problem could be?

Best regards,

Miguel Sánchez

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