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[vdr] Re: 'unknown picture type´' while in live-view

Harald Bernlochner wrote:
> Well, I think, that there are only some lonely guys, which had this problem. I 
> have it too (see 

i think, there are a lot of people with this problem. But there is still no
solution available.

> I don't think, it's a problem of the Nexus card (I have 2 Rev 1.3 Cards and 
> the same problem) or with the (former working) hardware.

ok, so my Nexus-Card will survive... ;-)

> Maybe it's a problem with the transfer mode / dvb-driver. In my above posting 
> I forced the error by doing 2 recordings and heavily channel zapping.

In my case (also when the problem occurs while starting a new recording) I
haven't zapped heavily. Yesterday I only switched from Pro7 to RTL.
But I agree, that this problem only occurs on my secondary device (and so
it only occurs in transfer-mode).

> I think, the problem has the same cause as that with the recordings. Maybe we 
> find some common things, if we look to our configuration and when the errors 
> happen.

I've tested the following:
- Mandrake 8.1, 8.2, 9.0, 9.1; Suse 8.1
- changed the slots of the TV-cards
- Patch from (i forgot the name) (in transfer.c in method cTransfer::Action(void): 
  uncomment  the part, which should avoid buffer underuns)

My Hardware is:
- Elitegroup P6IPAT Motherboard with Intel 815E chipsatz and a Celeron 1Ghz
- ATI Xpert@Work graphikcard (AGP)
- 3Com 3c905c-tx network card
- primary device: Hauppauge DVB-S Rev. 1.3
- secondary device: hauppauge Nexus Rev 2.1

no DiSEQ, only Astra 19.2E with an Universal-LNB

I don't think, that any of my hw-components is defect, because when I use the
same DVB-driver with vdr 1.1.26, 1.1.27, 1.1.28 and above I only get this problem
with >= 1.1.28. All vdrs with plain vanilla vdr: no patches (except the mentioned
one for testing purposes to avoid buffer underuns), no plugins.

Is there any progress in applying the changes between 1.1.27
and 1.1.28 step by step?

> Here my configuration and "error-history" (I use 2 systems with same timers so 
> I minimise the risk of losing something):

Redundancy shouldn't be the solution here... ;-)


PS: My first post ends in an error message. So sorry, if it appears twice in the ML.
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