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[vdr] Re: Try to fix "unknown picture error"

> If someone is interested in supporting my "bug-hunting", 
> he/she could try to
> test the different versions of vdr and try to find out, which version
> introduces this bug. I'm a little bit confused, why Tilo 
> recognized this bug only
> in vdr versions >1.1.28. So perhaps on different machines 
> this bug appears
> with different versions?!?

Hi Martin,

I allways used newer divers for my tests. Maybe thats why I only get that
error with versions > 1.1.28. But anyway, I never used a Vanilla VDR, and
I also wrote, that this bug does not appear with running sc-Plugin !
So maybe my 1.1.28 would have also this error without a running sc-Plugin.


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