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[vdr] vdr 1.2.5 don't find all devices


I've installed dvb-kernel from today and vdr 1.2.5 without patches or
Now I've noticed, that vdr sometimes find only 1 of my 2 DVB-cards. In
/var/log/message there is no error message and the messages produced
by ./ load is every time the same. Also the /dev/dvb/adapter0
and /dev/dvb/adapter1 directorys are created. But vdr sometimes find
only the first device. Several restarts of vdr sometimes solve this
problem, but that can't be the way to work.

primary device: Hauppauge DVB-s 1.3
secondary device: Hauppauge Nexus-s
vdr 1.2.5 plain vanilla
dvb-kernel from 24.09.

Has anyone similar experiences? 


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