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[vdr] ANNOUNCE: LinVDR 0.2 is out

[Second try]

Hello folks,

the next stable version LinVDR 0.2 has just been released, you can download it from (15 MB).
Please mail to "" for all questions and suggestions, and "root@localhost" for all complains ;-)

What the hell LinVDR is:
The result of Toms (and to 0.1% mine) efforts to build a small, lightweight, ready to run and easy to install distribution of VDR.
It's an allmost complete Linux operating system cut down to less than 50 MB, with a full functional VDR and several plugins.
It also contains VDR Admin for web administration and Samba shares to upload your MP3 files or download the DVD images.

Which VDR Version and plugins:
- VDR 1.2.5 with Elchi-Patch and:
 - Calendar 0.1.1
 - DVD 0.3.3 (without CSS support)
 - Games 0.5.1
 - Hello 0.1.0 (not enabled per default)
 - MP3 0.8.1
 - MPlayer 0.8.1
 - OSD-Demo 0.1.0 (not enabled per default)
 - Remote 0.1.0 (not enabled per default)
 - Sky 0.1.1 (not enabled per default)
 - Sleeptimer 0.2
 - Status 0.1.0 (not enabled per default)
 - Stream-Dev 0.1.1-beta1 (not enabled per default)
 - Timeline 0.8.0 (not enabled per default)
 - (S)VCD 0.0.4i
 - Weather 0.2.1e
see /etc/sysconfig for enabling/disabling the plugins

Other Features:
 - Kernel 2.4.21
 - DVB driver from CVS
 - VDR Admin 0.94
 - Samba 3.0
 - DVD-Author 0.5.3
 - Transcode 0.6.10

How to install:
 - boot from any Linux Rescue-CD you like, e.g. Timo's Rescue-CD at
 - create a new partition /dev/hda1 on the first harddisk, first partition, containing the whole (or how much you like) harddisk space.
 - format the partition /dev/hda1 as ext3.
 - mount the new partition /dev/hda1 manually, e.g. on /mnt
 - change to /mnt (or where ever you mountet)
 - edit the file etc/sysconfig. Change the network driver to whatever your network device needs. If you don't use DHCP, set USE_DHCP="no" and correct IP, GATEWAY, DOMAIN and NAMESERVER.
 - change-root to /mnt ("chroot /mnt")
 - run "grub --config /boot/grub/menu.lst". The drive detection will take a while, go and get some coffee or your favourite soft drink
 - enter "root (hd0,0)", (hd0,0) stands for /dev/hda1.
 - enter "setup (hd0)", this installs GRUB to the MBR of your harddisk
 - log out using [Ctrl][D]
 - unmount /dev/hda1
 - reboot and start from harddisk
 - done.
There is no configuration utility and nothing to make the installation easier, at least not now.

Default-Settings (or built in security holes, if you like)
 - root filesystem is /dev/hda1, mounted as ext3
 - DVD drive is /dev/hdc, mountpoint "/dvd", no auto mount
 - password for user "root" is "linvdr"
 - password for user "linvdr" is "linvdr"
 - no password for "nobody", no login possible
 - no login shell for user "linvdr", /bin/bash for "root", /bin/sh for "nobody"
 - network module "via-rhine" is loaded on system startup
 - uses DHCP on startup
 - VDR will read from console 10 (/dev/tty10, system will switch there on startup), so VDR can be controlled via keyboard
 - sshd (OpenSSH 3.4p1) running on port 22, with a default (and therefor absolutely unsecure) key, allowing root connections
 - Samba: working group "workgroup", user "linvdr", password "linvdr"
  - exporting directory "/video0" read-only, non-public
  - exporting directory "/exports" writable, non-public
  - exporting directory "/mp3" writable, non-public
 - VDR Admin:
  - will serve from port 80, so just enter "http://your-ip"; in the browser
  - German language is default
  - privileged user is "linvdr", password "linvdr"
  - guest account is disabled, default name is set to "guest", password "guest"
 - all DVD-Images and MPEG files will be stored in "/exports" after converting
 - converting will start every 5 minutes as cron job
 - MP3 will be played from directory "/mp3"
 - system time will be stored as local time in NVRAM, time zone is Europe/Berlin
 - VDR will set the system time according to the time on channel ARD
 - two remote controlls are supportet by default via the serial IR receiver:
  - SM-Elektronic Skymaster 2416, TV-1 Code 128
  - Medion MD-4688, TV Code 183, VCR Code 308
 - please have a look to the settings of VDR, we set them the way we like it and think it would be handy.

Things you ***absolutely must change***
 - device name of your DVD drive if it's not /dev/hdc
 - root password
 - password for user "linvdr"
 - Samba password for user "linvdr"
 - ssh keys in /etc/ssh
 - user names and passwords for privileged and guest users in VDR Admin
Change this, or we'll visit you in a dark night and record "Home Shopping Europe" till your disk is fed up! I've warned you! More likely, someone more evil will visit you first and probably do something unexpressingly bad.

What the building system was:
We (ok, Tom) used Debian Woody for compiling everything: gcc 2.95.4, glibc 2.2.5, and some of the programms on LinVDR 0.2 are original Debian Woody binaries (but without any package management). Please mail to "" if you need a special config file for something, we're currently thinking about how we can make all informations or a whole building system available to the public.

Where you get the full documentation:
Hey, do you want a job? We guarantee heavy, most time unsatisfactory and absolutely all the time unpayed work. Your job would be to write a clear, comprehensive and beginners-friendly documentation in english and german, answer all user questions and do the installation support phone hotline for 24/7 (we guarantee to publish your private phone number all over the internet). Please write your application to "".

To cut it short: This here is about all we have, perhaps you'll find some more answers on

Where you get support:
You could use to post your question, or just ask at -- sorry, there is no special board for LinVDR. Or mail us at "", but please leave us some days to answer (depending on the mass of mails it will really take a while, we both have another fulltime job).

Whish you allways a strong signal,
stable drivers and much disk space!


 LinVDR - The Digital Linux Videorecorder          

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