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[vdr] Re: Experiences with patched VDR 1.2.x (was Re: [PATCH] Old descriptorh

Christian Jacobsen wrote:
> Hallo,
> >In my case, if a UPT-Error occur, I only get a disturbed picture and no
> >restart. Have you added an EmergencyExit within remux.c if the UPT-Error
> >occur?
> >Nevertheless, I think there are different effects which trigger a
> restart:
> >- UPT-Error (if you added an EmergencyExit in remux.c)
> >- video data stream broken
> >and several other things. The first case is probably solved with the
> patch
> >and the second is (at least for me) solved with disabled EPG-scan (0 in
> >settings/EPG).
> The second problem is maybe be the caused by Interferance between the
> DVB-s cards (I am no expert - just my observations and thoughts ;)) - see
> my mail "UPT-Error = interferance betw. DVB-s cards ?" - just send before
> this.

This morning I noticed a "video data stream broken" even with disabled
EPG-scan. So that doesn't help. :-( Nevertheless since 5 days I've no UPT-Error
within live-view and several recordings. So I think my patch help us in that
situation. Further tests will give us more information...

The "video data stream broken" occur on my machine (and on another with 2*
DVB-s 1.3) since vdr 1.0.x on (only) the secondary card. So I don't know, how
to track this in the source code. 
What is the difference between the primary and the secondary device-handling
within VDR? I don't believe that the driver himself handle the cards in a
different way. 

Just another idea for fixing the "video data stream broken": At least on my
machine, this error occur only if the secondary card is unused for a while.
Is it possible, to trigger the EPT-scan after 30 Minutes or so? In that way,
the card is in use. Next question: how long do vdr scan for EPG data? Only a
few minutes or the whole day until the secondary card has to do something?

> Sorry, I had no chance to test your patch yet as my vdr is production area
> and my family hates when used features suddently are missing (wich would
> happen with vanilla vdr).

I think this patch doesn't break any plugin like MP3, Elchi, etc. It would
be interesting if this patch solve the UPT-Error on your machine. And it's
possible to install a patched vdr in a different location, so you can switch
between the two versions. But keep peace in your family. ;-)


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