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[vdr] Re: CAM Aston 1.05 workaround


I have done some testing based on Antonino VDR patch.

It seems we have to force tuner status change to force CAM reset after going from one Audio track to another.

BTW, I never succeeded in recording 2 audio tracks at the same time using ASTON CAM.
It also seems the new Pilotime Canal+ Recorder/Decoder can only record 1 audio track at the same time.
May be it is a SECA2 constraint/limitation.

Now the problem with VDR is there is no patch Klauss can merge in VDR code to support this particular ASTON CAM constraint.

Maybe Klauss can use some #if conditional hacks to enable SECA2 Audio track handling.

That means :

- Antonino patch to define only one audio track in CAM CaPmt structure.
- change in cDvbDevice::SetAudiotrackDevice method to force tuner thread to set a new CaPmt (setting tunerStatus to tsTuned seems to be OK)
- misc code to deal with recording (lock audio during recording) and limit SetPid to current audio track.

I am working on these mods to test Canal+ recording but I have to work on VDR 1.2 code to understand how different it is from version 1.04 I know better.


Le lundi, 6 oct 2003, à 19:28 Europe/Paris, Miguel Sanchez a écrit :

Antonino Sergi wrote:


After about 2 weeks they (ASTON) answered:
"It is not possible to update CAM 1.05!"


On Mon, 2003-09-22 at 12:25, Klaus Schmidinger wrote:

Antonino Sergi wrote:

On Thu, 2003-09-18 at 11:02, Klaus Schmidinger wrote:

Patrick Gueneau wrote:

Le jeudi, 18 sep 2003, à 09:54 Europe/Paris, Antonino Sergi a écrit :

I'll be waiting...

Hey, I have an answer from french homecinema-fr forum.

Bad news ;-(

Pilotime can only record 1 audio stream ; you have to choose 'Original
Version' or 'French Version'.

Sorry for that, but that's what I was expecting.

Soon, there will be another story/problem concerning DD support !?

How about contacting the Aston CAM developers/manufacturers and
suggesting they fix their CAM firmware?

It is an idea, but do you think they could be interested in our opinion?

Well, after all you purchased their product ;-)


Hi all,

Well it seems that the bottom line is that people looking for SECA CAM's
may better look for another brand.

Does anybody have reports of successful recordings of several audio
tracks on channels encrypted with Mediaguard or Mediaguard2? (If it is a
limitation of the encryption system then other brands will provide no
gain). I have no clue.


Miguel Sánchez

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