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[vdr] Re: Hauppauge MediaMVP: The perfect streaming client?

Hi Oliver,

On 29/10/2003 Oliver Schmidt wrote:
> surely I'm not the only one seeking for a solution to access the
> vdr-contents not exclusely from the tv set connected to the DVB-s board
> but using "some device" conntected through LAN / W-LAN, but

Yup, I'm looking for one of those too. I think I've got too many
computers and cables around the flat and I don't think I'd be too popular
if I imported another one! The MVP has got that "not a computer" feel to
it, so I think I can get away with it <grin>

I've not managed to get hold of one yet - I think they may well be coming
out in the UK next week, but I've done some tinkering with the windows
software which can be downloaded from and here's what I've
found out (I posted this to forum over at a few days ago):

[start quote]
Anyway, server side appears to open a few ports, the MVPMediaSvc opens up
the following ports: TCP:, UDP:[localip]:16867,
UDP:[localip]16881. MVPMedia opens up UDP: and most
interestingly TCP:

This TCP port appears to be a VNC server (which I guess explains how you
can get mirrored display), there's no permissioning on it, but it uses an
unknown rect encoding technique with an id of "7".

Port 16869 is the tftp server - and takes data from the Hardware directory
within the install directory.

This presumably means that the data comes from port 6337 - can someone
sniff that port and get me a traffic dump so we can work out what the
protocol is.

On the box itself, as the first post in this thread indicated is a copy of
linux from Montavista with a copy of busybox doing the main business. It's
got the folloiwing binaries built in:

[, busybox, cat, cp, date, dhcpc, du, echo, fpage, ifconfig, init,
insmod, kill, killall, linuxrc, ls, lsmod, modprobe, mount, mpgdec,
msh, mv, ping, ps, pwd, reboot, rm, rmmod, route, sh, sleep, test,

fpage and mpgdec are the non-standard ones here. Here's the output of
fpage running on my rs6000:

fl_open: open failed: : No such file or directory
flash_get_vpd: open failed
get_config: flash_get_vpd failed
get_nvdata: get_config::
Fatal=>Corrupted NVRAM Data
fpage_main: corrupted NVCFG

After which it rebooted! mpgdec gave the following output (but didn't

kbdopen: open kbd dev failed
dongle_main: open kbd failed
[end quote]

> "MediaMVP runs in a client/server system, where the MediaMVP receives
> display screens and media files from the PC based Server. The on-screen
> displays rendered by the MediaMVP on the TV set is formed on the PC
> Server."

That ties in very well with what I've managed to dig out. How the data
gets there I'm not too certain at the moment - can't be that obfuscated

> - do you generally consider using this device as addition vdr head unit
> as attractive as I do ?

Yes, if we can figure out the protocol used and write out own server to
map requests through to the streamdev http server then it becomes an
extremely interesting vdr slave viewer.



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