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[vdr] Re: AW: Problems with VDR and SkyStar 2

Jörg Knitter wrote:

Since this weekend I have installed a SkyStar 2 next to my Nexus
as this seemed to be the recommended budget

card. Unfortunately, there are irregular problems when recording on
this card.

Where did you hear that?
The AFAIK best supported budget cards are the TT-based models
(Nova-(S|C|T), etc.)
I guess this was told on dvb mailinglist. There was a longish discussion about different cards and the limitations of TT Premium. That it was recommended wasn't said, but that it is the cheapest card and that the card is supported. At least since some days is the SS2 2.6b supported too if i read the mailinglist right.


it´s indeed a very cheap card, and I believed to have read here and on that this card works as a second card. Unfortunately, this does not
seem to be the case.
The Flexcop chip used on the Skystar2 is technically much more advanced than the SAA7146 on the Nova-PCI cards, it supports PID filtering to keep the bus traffic low, has less latency problems and some other nifty features. The fact that these cards are so cheap makes them even more interesting.

But indeed, the Skystar driver is pretty young, so the driver may not yet be as well tested with all card revisions as other drivers. Please report all problems on the LinuxDVB mailing list, when nobody of the driver developers knows about them they won't get fixed.

There was also indeed a problem with the SS2 2.6b cards
as they use a different tuner, but as mine is an older card I believed it to
work without problems. Additionally, if you install the DVB drivers, the SS2
drivers are activated by default.
There are currently no known serious problems with the skystar driver, development is continous and patches for minor bugs get applied regulary to the CVS repository. Please use the dvb-kernel CVS tree, maybe you have one of the card revisions that caused troubles.

Then please check that you don't have a heat problem with your card, some early Skystar revisions were easy to overheat. Augusto Cardoso posted a fix for these cards last days, see the DVB driver mailing list for details and try the latest+greatest CVS checkout.


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