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[vdr] Re: ANNOUNCE: Softdevice plugin. Use /dev/fb for output

i need some tips in developing my plugin.

>>> You need:
>>> A VDR of course.
>>> A strong CPU (i think 800 MHz+)
>> Really 800 MHz+ ? DVDs can be played with a Celeron500 (without
>> post-processing), so you should tune your plugin a little bit.
>> Rene
> When directly rendering to the framebuffer you can't use the graphics
> card for scaling and YUV conversion, this wastes a significant amount of
> time. Use DirectFB, SDL, XV, XRender, OpenGL or any other accelerating
> graphics library of your choice.

that's my problem, the plugin gets too slow if I implement all in software.
I played around with the Vidix driver the last days. The YUV->RGB conversion
and scaling is now accellerated by hardware (the decoding needs only 20-30%
CPU time instead 50%-60% if the conversion is done by software)

My dream is an implementation like this:

MPEG2 -> [SW-Decoder] -> [HW YUV->RGB + Scaler] -> [HW-Alpha] -> Monitor/TV
OSD   -> [SW-Renderer] --------------------------------^

BUT:On my Matrox G200 I didn't figured out, how to display something BEFORE
the BES-layer. (google think's that this is not possible)

If this is really not possible, how should I display OSD:
- implement all in software (slow!)
- scale the OSD in Software and blend with the YUV-Image (poor quality)
- use another VGA-Card (e.g. Geforce4 MX)

> SDL is probably the most portable approach right now, DirectFB provides
> you the fanciest API designed for STB OSD displays but is native only on
> the Linux Framebuffer, for all other OSs and Windowing systems you need
> to install the SDL-DirectFB driver. Not too hard.

Should I go away from the Vidix-lirary and should use another library in the
first place? What do you suggest?


p.s. My second goal is that the plugin runs on a Xbox.

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