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[vdr] Re: Announce: MediaMVP server/plugin 0.0.9

Hi Jan,

> Do you have any info on how heavy this is for the VDR machine? I assume
> the mediamvp plugin has to take care of a lot of things for the MediaMVP
> box, which I also assume is more or less just receiving displayable data
> from the server.

On my machine it takes up a negligible amount of CPU, I think the
standalone took up a couple of % on my desktop (Duron 800), I didn't
measure it on the vdr box (Duron 1300). Memory consumption is probably a
couple of MB.

> Is the streamdev plugin still needed or does your new plugin now take care
> of that aspect too? That would indeed be a nice addition (or removal,
> actually).

It is still required at the moment - as I said it's just a thin wrapper, I
plan to rewrite the non-library code in C++ and pull the stream in
directly from the core (as well as schedule/channel info).

> Btw, the mediamvp.conf config files has a small typo, I don't know if the
> same typo is in the sources too:
> ; Screensize definitions - total screen area
> screenidth = 720
> screendepth = 576
> Should be "screenwidth".

Ooops, thanks, the default is 720 so it shouldn't be a major problem.



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