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[vdr] Re: Siemens dvb-c and HTV may be the correct mailinglist for this...

On Mon, Dec 08, 2003 at 09:17:21PM +0200, Marko Myllymaa wrote:
> Is the signal i nmy wall outlet that poor that Siemens dvb-c can't have
> good reception on QAM128 channels? QAM64 channels are fine, even with the
> longer cable.

I think I read somehwere that Fujitsu/Siemens cards have poor QAM128
reception. I also see more mosaic/skipping disturbances than I'd like to
here in Turku with QAM128, in the order of 1-2 /hour.

Btw, I have the same problem this thread originally described; the DVB
driver (CVS) works pretty good; the dvb-kernel driver (CVS, from a few
days ago) is unusable.

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