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[vdr] ERROR: don't know what to do - packetType: be (DVD plugin)

Hello Listmembers,

I compiled the latest version of the dvd plugin (0.3.4-rc10) and try to play
DVDs, which I created using dvbmplex, transcode (v0.6.11), mplex and
dvdauthor (0.6.6). mplex is called using -f 8, which is for DVD.

The problem is that the screen stays black. When pressing the blue button,
the OSD displays the number of titles correctly, but vdr does not play

The logfile has the following entry:
Dez 13 14:07:39 blues vdr[6722]: input thread started (pid=6722)
Dez 13 14:07:40 blues vdr[6722]: ERROR: don't know what to do - packetType:

Needless to say, that the DVD plays perfectly under WinDVD or PowerDVD (both
are Windows applications).

Any ideas, how to solve this problem?


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