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[vdr] Re: LIRC

Patrick Boettcher wrote:
Hello ML,

I'm looking for a good howto or any help which is able to explain what I do wrong by trying to let lirc control vdr.

I'm using kernel 2.6.0-test11, vdr-1.2.6 and Debian woody, with lirc packages (except the module-packages, this is managed by a kernel-2.6 patch).
I'm using a homebrew ir-receiver.

After compiling kernel, installing the module (modprobe) and installing the .debs I run the mode2 command. Pressing some keys on the remote control mode2 fills the screen with thousend of "pulse"s and numbers. I didn't configure lircd or anything else for lirc.

Now starting the lircd and then vdr, lircd shows an incoming connection and vdr wants me to learn rc codes. But in contrary to mode2 vdr (or lircd) don't move. VDR still wants to know the first key (the key for 'UP' I think).

What do I have to do or where do I have to take a look ?

Look at your /etc/lircd.conf - does it exist? Does its remote match? Mode2 shows your raw remote codes but these have to be converted into higher level codes (by lircd.conf).

Thanks for any help in advance.

Patrick Boettcher

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