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[vdr] Re: DECT-Problems... again... :(

> If I turn off the base station, I don't have the problems anymore. I don't  have any other
> possibility to place the base station... if there are any  other hints than putting the base station away or
> replacing the cable, plz  let me know... :|

Which housing does your computer have? Is it made of plastic or metal? If it is made of
steel, check if your ground line of the power supply is properly connected to the housing (check
with ohmmeter). If it is made of plasitic you can give a graphit spray a try (and the connect it
to ground - but take care!).
I think your have a computer shielding problem.

Did you try connect power-supply of the phone to a plug in a different room (do not move the phone)?

Try to turn the plug by about 180 degrees (no joke, this helps sometimes if you have ground loops)
for the computer and/or the phone.

Did you tried another phone (maybe from a friend)?


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