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[vdr] analogtv libdvd

I am just trying to install analogtv.
A Kool describes the follwoing:
> Now you have to install the LIBDVB:
> download, extract in parallel to the DVB directory, and patch 
> cd /usr/src/dvb
> patch < VDR/PLUGINS/src/analogtv/patches/libdvb-0.5.0.patch

My structure is as following:

Where exactly do i have to place the unpacked libdvd-0.5.0-directory?
If i put in: /usr/local/src/libdvd-0.5.0 and do make/make install, i
get the follwing error:
>vdr:/usr/local/src/libdvb-0.5.0# make install
>[ ! -d "/usr/local/lib" ] && mkdir -p /usr/local/lib
>make: *** [install] Fehler 1

What can i do?

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